Graduation Requirements

A student has the ultimate responsibility to fulfill all graduation requirements as specified in the IIT Bulletin in effect at the time of admission to IIT. This includes completing all the curriculum requirements for the degree and complying with all academic and administrative rules governing the specific degree program.

Curriculum Change

In the event that curriculum requirements change before a specific degree program can be completed, a student must have their department chair's approval to make course substitutions or to follow an alternate curriculum.

Application for Graduation

Students must submit an Application for Graduation through the Illinois Tech Portal via the Student Dashboard at the beginning of the semester in which they plan to graduate. The specific deadlines to submit this form are found in the IIT calendar. Failure to meet the specific deadline will delay the date of graduation and the awarding of a diploma. A late fee will be assessed for applications received after the published deadline date.

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students must complete the following in order to graduate:

Incomplete in the Final Semester

If a student receives a grade of "I" (Incomplete) in the final semester, curriculum requirements are not completed. The student will not receive a diploma dated for that semester and must submit a new Application for Graduation form.

Graduation Ceremony Contact

For information on the graduation ceremony contact the Registrar's office or you can view the information online at

Applying for Graduation

Students who plan to finish all degree requirements must submit an Application for Graduation through the Illinois Tech Portal via the Student Dashboard by the deadline for the semester of graduation, published on the Academic Calendar.

All graduation correspondence will be sent to your IIT email account.

Learn more.

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Chicago, IL 60616