Managing Intellectual Property Rights Over Clinical Trial Data to Promote Access and Benefit Sharing in Public Health

The nature and scope of intellectual property protection, if any, which clinical trial data should receive in terms of Art. 39 of the TRIPS Agreement have been put back in the spotlight through recent events: First through suggestions by heads of the Dutch, French and UK regulatory authorities as well as the European Medicines Agency that such data should not be considered commercially confidential information. Secondly, courts in countries such as Argentina and Brazil have recently decided cases in which they had to balance rights over clinical trial data with competing public health priorities. Both courts decided that public health interests take priority over claims for exclusive rights over clinical trial data. These events raise pertinent ethical and legal concerns, which warrant considerations of strategies that can be used to manage intellectual property rights over clinical trial data with a view to fostering access and benefit sharing in public health. This paper draws lessons from these events and suggests possible options for strategic management of intellectual property rights over clinical trial data in order to cater to public health needs. The concept of access and benefit sharing, which has so far been debated in the fields of biodiversity and most recently in the human genome context is applied to public health with a view to initiating discussions on how it can inform decision making in the management of intellectual property rights over clinical trial data.

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Tansey (2006, p. 2). Taubman (2008a, p. 526). The European Science Foundation (2009, p. 10). Godlee (2012, p. e.7304); See also Thomas (2012). Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2009, p. 152). Ad Carvalho et al. (2010, p. e9314). Health Canada (2005, p. 16). Health Canada (2005, p. 16). Gøtzsche (2011, p. 249). Leibowitz and Sheckler (2006, p. 289). Pugatch (2006, p. 129). Abbott (2006, p. 36). Lipkus et al. (2010, p. 8). Correa (2006, p. 82). Correa (2006, p. 83).

See, for example, Art. 13 of the EU Council Regulation (EEC) No 1768/92 of 18 June 1992, which provides that the SPC “shall take effect at the end of the lawful term of the basic patent for a period equal to the period which elapsed between the date on which the application for a basic patent was lodged and the date of the first authorization to place the product on the market in the Community reduced by a period of 5 years.” available at; see also Moore (1998, p. 137–140); de Pastors (1995, p. 189–192).

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I owe this useful observation to Dr Dannie Jost, Senior Research Fellow and Science Advisor, World Trade Institute, University of Bern.

See Reichman (2006, p. 133–150). Taubman (2008b, p. 594).

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Correa (2006, p. 83). Correa (2006, p. 84). Reichman (2006, p. 141). Arkinstall et al. (2011, p. 16); see also World Health Organization (2006a). Fellmeth (2004, p. 447). Fellmeth (2004, p. 472).

Baker (2008, p. 305). See also Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. Sec. 3550 (2000 & Supp. 2005).

Discussions with Dr Dannie Jost, Senior Research Fellow and Science Advisor, World Trade Institute, University of Bern.

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Di Blasi (2009, p. 35). The TRIPS Agreement has been incorporated into the Brazilian law by virtue of Decree number 1355.

Di Blasi (2009, p. 34). The National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) and Lundbeck case (2011).

Agência Nacional De Vigilância SanitáriaANVISA v. Lundbeck Brasil Ltda: Suspensão De Liminar E De Sentença No 1.425–DF (2011/0184444-8) (Superior Tribunal de Justiça). See Fischmann (2012, p. 220) for a commentary on this decision.

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These are countries that are considered to have “serious IPR deficiencies that warrant increased bilateral attention concerning the problem areas or practices.” See Masterson (2004, p. 20). Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, India, Indonesia, Israel, Thailand and Venezuela are currently on this list.

Biotechnology Industry Organisation (2012, p. 11). Quoted in Fischmann (2012, p. 219). See Barra and Albuquerque (2011, p. 72) for a detailed discussion of these policies. Masterson (2004, p. 21). Argentina – Certain Measures on the Protection of Patents and Test Data (WTO Dispute DS196). Timmermans (2007, p. 0206). Timmermans (2007, p. 0207). World Health Organization (2006b, p. 124). See the discussions of Brazilian and Argentinean cases in this paper. Abbott (2006, p. 32). Gervais (2008, p. 2.337). Correa (2006, p. 84).

The Article prohibits any acts of competition that “are contrary to honest practices in industrial or commercial matters …”.

Article 31 of the treaty is a customary rule of interpretation of public international law, available at

The European Parliament, in its Resolution on the TRIPS Agreement and access to medicines (12 July 2007) called on the European Council “to restrict the Commission’s mandate so as to prevent it from negotiating pharmaceutical-related TRIPS-plus provisions affecting public health and access to medicines, such as data exclusivity, patent extensions and limitation of grounds of compulsory licences, within the framework of the EPA negotiations with the ACP countries and other future bilateral and regional agreements with developing countries.” Available at

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Sala III, Camara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Civil y Comercial Federal (Division III of the Federal Civil and Commercial Court of Appeals in Argentina), Case No. 5.619/05 (decided on 1 February 2011).

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Human and Fluss “The World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives”, available at

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Decision of the Tokyo High Court on 16 November 2007; see the translation and report by Fujimoto (2010, p. 616–619).

Fujimoto (2010, p. 617). Fujimoto (2010, p. 616–619). See Sect. 5 exemption (ii)(a). Fujimoto (2010, p. 618). Fujimoto (2010, p. 618). Taubman (2008b, p. 596). Reichman (2006, p. 134). Reichman (2006, p. 134). Taubman (2008b, p. 596).

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I would like to thank Professor Thomas Cottier and Dr Dannie Jost, both of the World Trade Institute, Bern (WTI) for their insightful comments during the preparation of the initial versions of this paper. Additional comments, by members of the work package 3 at the WTI, on earlier drafts of the paper are gratefully acknowledged. I am equally grateful for the scholarship from Switzerland’s State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)-funded cooperation project and the Anderson Capelli research grant which enabled me to prepare this paper while visiting as a research fellow at the WTI. The anonymous IIC reviewers’ helpful comments, which further improved the quality of this paper, are also gratefully acknowledged.

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Authors and Affiliations

  1. School of Law, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, WITS 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa Pamela Andanda ( Associate Professor )
  1. Pamela Andanda